Republic Day of India 26th Jan

Republic Day of Bharat (India)
On the 26th of January 1950, the first modern Constitution of India came into effect. Since then India celebrates this day to become an independent republic after the invasion period. India is also known as Bharat is the most ancient civilization on this planet that is the storehouse of most knowledge. The nation Bharat existed for thousands of years due to its roots going back to the Vedic civilization that is the origin of its culture, religion, and traditions.
Bharat (India)
Called Bharatavarṣa after King Bharata, and Bhārat is an official name of the Republic of India
Bharata means "The cherished" – as the land of India is richly cherished with holy Vedic literature and divine sages.
Vedic civilization sustained over 20,000 years
What’s the value system that kept it together? Why it was invaded by foreigners?
Rich History and Culture due to geographical features
Many major rivers in North, East, West and South
Rich Economy
Coastal regions - trade facilities with far-off places
Prosperous cities with temples
Vedic civilization is the key for its long term survival and sustainability
Bharat: The storehouse of the most knowledge
India is the storehouse of the most knowledge of the universe. 10 Million+ Vedic texts published and 40M manuscripts unpublished
Vedas: 4, Upanishads: 108, Puranas: 220+, Itihasa (Ramayana and Mahabharat), Thousands of Yog Text, Thousands of Scientific text have been written by sages, saints, and scientists of India.
Here are the few discoveries of ancient India.
Discovery of Pi, Zero and Infinity
Decimal & Binary number system, Ruler, Weighing scale
Discovery of Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry, calculation of area of circle and sphere, length of arc, chord, Permutation and Combination and First Order equation
Bodhayana Theorem now known as Pythagoras theorem, Fibbonacci Numbers
Discovery of equator line, discovery of various planets, earth’s orbit and Surya Siddhanta
Shape of earth, discovery of Gravity by Brhamagupta, Quantum Mechanics, Astrophysics and Astrology
Discovery of Yoga and Meditation
Discovery of Ploughing, Cotton and Jute Cultivation
Sugar refinement, Metallurgy, Zinc, Steel and Lead refinement
First school of medicine, Ayurveda and Siddha medicine, cataract surgery, first nasal surgery, plastic surgery and anaesthesia
First book of grammar by Panini
Game of Chess, Kabaddi and Ludo
The first education system called Gurukul
The first international University Taxshilla
Concept of Consciousness and Time travel
Music notes and sound waves
Battery and electricity
Bharat: Its History
King Prithu: First King on the Earth
Puruvara: First emperor of Chandra dynasty
King Bharata was the son of King Dushyanta and Sakuntala.
King Hasti built Hastinapur as their capital city.
Later Kuru dynasty was established by King Kuru.
The much-celebrated story of Mahabharat starts with the emperor Shantanu, who was the father of Bhisma.
King Bharata was the ancestor to the cousins Kauravas and Pandavas who fight the epic battle of Kurushetra.
Rules of Governance - Evolution of Constitution
Ancient Text: Evolution of Rules of Governance
4 Vedas are the Eternal Laws of this universe that has rules for universal governance of nature and self
Manu smriti: Most popular Smritis of Hindu scriptures.
The first ‘code of social conduct’ for individuals and society.
Breach of contract - the first offence.
Rules relating to criminals, punishments, marriage system detailing the choice of marriage for women and widows.
Still a popular reference manual for the duties and responsibilities of husband and wife in a Hindu family
William Jones translated it English in 1794. Used by the colonial British rulers to formulate ‘Hindu Personal Law’
Raj Dharma (Code of conduct for a King)
Mahabharat contains the concept of Raja Dharma in Santi Parva: Conversation between King-elect Yudhistir and dying Bhishma after the War. Code of conduct and governance to the King towards his subjects.
Art and science of Governance – tax should be moderate and the tax to GDP ratio should be 1/6th
Dharma is supreme but not the King; King is only the protector of Dharma
Defines 17 priorities of for the king to follow to safeguard and expand the kingdom.
Forma Constitution: Arthashastra by Chanyaka
Arthashtatra: Developed by Koutilya aka Chanakya in 4th Century BC at Takshasila during Mauryan empire
Written across 15 books with 150 chapters with 6000 verses.
The first shastra to prescribe policies on statecraft based on national interest, economic law, foreign policy, and military strategy.
The tax was the most important source of state revenue. In addition to tax on agricultural produce (1/6th) introduced trade/commerce, village tax and sales tax as 1/10th
Decentralized governance and power to local bodies allowed.
Concentrated on power politics.
It was disappeared until it was discovered and translated by R Shamasatry in 1090 and was translated in English in 1915
The historicity of India's History
The two Itihasa (loosely translated as History), text clearly establish the history of India or Bharat.
Ramayana Composed by Maharshi Valmiki in Sanskrit language. Ramayana explores human values and the concept of Dharma. It has happened about 14228 years ago (12209 BCE) in Treta Yug
MahaBharata – Mahabharata was composed by Krishna Dwaipayana Vyasa. There were 100,000 verses. It happened 7570 years ago (5561BCE) in Dwapar Yug. It is all about the conflicts over Dharma (righteous behaviour)
Dharma is not a religion: Dharma is the righteousness or the laws of the universe that are equally applicable to all living beings.
Hinduism is a Dharma that upholds the natural laws of the universe than just man-made laws.
Republic Day Lecture by eYogi Gurukul: https://fb.watch/4pDkxVJoAa/
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